Monday, April 25, 2016

4/25/2016: Laundry "helper"

Today's post will be very quick.  We were away at a bead show for my business this past weekend, so Steve took today off to rest and do laundry.  Except the lawn needed to be mowed, so he's outside doing that, and he had some errands to run this morning.  I'm helping with the laundry, and I had a helper of my own.

Clinchfield jumped in the dryer while I was pulling clothes out and hanging or folding.  He loves gnawing on dryer sheets, so as soon as he found one he came out with it.  I took it away, and a few minutes later he was back in the dryer.  This time, though, he started "making bread," kneading the clothes and purring like I've never seen him do before.  I don't think the clothes were very warm, but he found it very comfy!

He was so cute so I shot a video for you.  One of these days I'll remember to turn the phone.  Sorry.

Soon after this he noticed another dryer sheet and took off with it.  I let him keep it while I finished moving the laundry along.

Monday, April 4, 2016

4/4/2016: Clinchfield is ONE today!

It's been a few months since the last Clinchfield Report.  Sorry about that.  For the most part, he's been good.  There has been some running around and jumping up on things he shouldn't, but he's always been too quick, and I haven't been able to get any pictures or videos.

Recently we started getting Loot Crates, mystery geeky things that come every month for a nominal fee.  We're not going to do it for long, but we were curious, and the stuff has turned out to be pretty neat.  I put the "crate" on my desk one day to get it out of the dining room, and Clinch decided it was his.  Since I was able to bead for long periods of time without him trampling all over everything, I've decided it can just stay there.  We recently received a bunch of Star Wars Angry Birds stickers (thanks, Carrie!).  Steve decorated the first box with evil characters and the second box with good characters.  Here's Clinch when we just had the first box:

Taken 3/16/2016

With both boxes on the desk now, he loves being on both (since he is half-on cat).  Here's a little taste of that:

Taken 4/4/2016

I had to lure him up there, so he didn't stay long.

Here are a few other pictures I took of Clinchy today:

You can't see it in this picture, but it snowed today.  On April fourth.  This weather has been crazy.

He's getting so big, isn't he?

You can see one of his favorite toys in this picture - the light blue milk ring.  We have so many milk rings, frozen juice container rings, and straws (usually in triangle form and sometimes linked together) in this house.  Clinch loves to chase them and bat them around.

We are so happy Clinchfield is here, and we wish him a very happy birthday and many, many more!